Label Creation

January 31, 2012 at 11:34 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Making labels for the project has proven more challenging than I originally thought.

With the new label laws for textiles, I am trying to include the URL for this blog so that people can know to come here to gather information about us… PLUS, if they have questions about their product, I can provide them with accurate answers and help. Etc.

However, fitting this long URL onto a small diaper label/tag means too small a font size according to the label-makers.

I enlarged it to this:

or this?

But then it gets pretty crowded…. and they still want it to be a 1″x3″ label which just looks so HUGE. Especially on something like a newborn diaper. *sigh*

It’d be way easier if I could just use this:

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  1. thats just ridiculous to have to put that big of a label on a diaper! could you imagine it on a nb diaper?

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